I used to be quite the academic scientist and loved doing research. But I’m going to take a wild guess that I won’t be writing science papers anymore. Those interested in what I did for 25 or so years can go here.
Below is a list of science papers for which I have pdfs (just click to download).
Rojstaczer, S., and Healy, C., 2012, When A is Ordinary: The Evolution of American College and University Grading, 1940-2009, Teachers College Record, v. 14, ID Number: 16473. tcr2012.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., and Healy, C., 2010, Grading in American Colleges and Universities, Teachers College Record, ID Number: 15928. tcr2010.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., Ingebritsen, S.E., and Hayba, D.O., 2008, Permeability of continental crust influenced by internal and external forcing, Geofluids, v. 8, 1-12. geofl2008.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., Galloway, D.L., Ingebritsen, S.E., and Rubin, D.M., 2003, Variability in geyser eruptive timing and its causes: Yellowstone National Park, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 30, 1953-1956. grl2003.pdf
Moore N., and Rojstaczer, S., 2002, Irrigation’s influence on precipitation: Texas High Plains, U.S.A., Geophysical Research Letters, v. 29, 1755-1780. grl2002.pdf
Desmarais, K., and Rojstaczer, S., 2002, Inferring groundwater flow paths from measurements of carbonate spring response to storms, Journal of Hydrology, v. 260, 118-134. jhyd2002.pdf
Islam, Md. R., Rojstaczer, S., Aario, R., and Peuraniemi, V., 2002, Mineralogical changes during intense chemical weathering of sedimentary rocks in Bangladesh, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 20, 889-901. jasearth2002.pdf
Islam, Md. R., Peuraniemi, V., Aario, R., and Rojstaczer, S., 2002, Geochemistry and mineralogy of ancient saprolite in Finnish Lapland, Journal of Applied Geochemistry, v. 17, 885-902. japplgeochem2002.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., Sterling, S., and Moore, N., 2001, Human appropriation of photosynthesis products, Science, v. 294, 2549-2552. science2001.pdf
Eggleston, J., and Rojstaczer, S., 2001, The value of grain-size hydraulic conductivity estimates: comparison with high resolution in-situ field hydraulic conductivity, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 28, 2855-2858. grl2001.pdf
Moore, N., and Rojstaczer, S., 2001, Irrigation induced rainfall and the Great Plains, Journal of Applied Meteorology, v. 40, 1297-1309. jam2001.pdf
Phillips, R., and Rojstaczer, S., 2001, Chemical weathering in a region of active orogeny, Pescadero Creek watershed, California, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, v. 15, 383-392. gbc2001.pdf
Eggleston, J., and Rojstaczer, S., 2000, Can we predict subsurface mass transport? Environmental Science & Technology, v. 34, 4010-4017. est2000.pdf
Islam, Md. R., Lahermo, W.P., Salminen, R., Rojstaczer, S., and Peuraniemi, V., 2000, Lake and reservoir water quality affected by metals leaching from tropical soils, Bangladesh, Environmental Geology, v. 39, 1083-1089. envgeo2000.pdf
Glazner, A.F., Manley, C.R., Marron, J.S., and Rojstaczer, S., 1999, Fire or ice: anticorrelation of volcanism and glaciation in California over the past million years, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 26, 1759-1762. grl1999.pdf
Eggleston, J., and Rojstaczer, S., 1998, Identification of large scale hydraulic conductivity trends and the influence of trends on contaminant transport, Water Resources Research, v. 34, 2155-2168. wrr1998.pdf
Eggleston, J., and Rojstaczer, S., 1998, Inferring spatial correlation of hydraulic conductivity from sediment cores and outcrops, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 25, 2321-2324. grl1998.pdf
Ingebritsen, S., and Rojstaczer, S., 1996, Geyser periodicity and the response of geysers to small strains in the Earth, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 101, 21891-21907. jgr1996
Deverel, S.J., and Rojstaczer, S., 1996, Subsidence of agricultural lands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: the role of aqueous and gaseous carbon fluxes, California, Water Resources Research, v.32, 2359-2367. wrr1996b.pdf
Eggleston, J., Rojstaczer, S., and Peirce, J., 1996, Identification of permeability structure in sand and gravel aquifers: the Cape Cod data set, Water Resources Research, v. 32, 1209-1222. wrr1996a.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., 1996, Groundwater modeling: the digital back of the envelope, GSA Today, v. 6 (5), 12-13.gsa1996.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., and Tunks, J.P., 1995, Unsaturated zone fluid flow parameters inferred from pneumatic pressure variations induced by atmospheric pressure changes, Water Resources Research, v. 31, 3337-3343. wrr1995.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., and Deverel, S.J., 1995, Land subsidence in drained histosols and highly organic mineral soils of the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta, Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 59, 1162-1167. sssa1995.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., Wolf, S., and Michel, R., 1995, Permeability enhancement in the shallow crust as a cause of earthquake-induced hydrological changes, Nature, v. 373, 237-239. nature1995.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., 1994, The limitations of groundwater models, Journal of Geological Education, v. 42, 362-368. jge1994.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., and Deverel, S.J., 1993, Time dependence in atmospheric carbon inputs from drainage of organic soils, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 20, 1383-1386. grl1993.pdf
Ingebritsen, S.E., and Rojstaczer, S.A., 1993, Controls on geyser periodicity, Science, v. 262, 889-892. science1993.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., and Wolf, S., 1992, Permeability changes associated with large earthquakes: An example from Loma Prieta, California, Geology, v. 20, 211-214. geo1992.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., and Riley, F., 1990, The response of the water level in a well to Earth tides and atmospheric loading under unconfined conditions, Water Resources Research, v. 26, 1803-1817. wrr1990.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., and Agnew, D.C., 1989, The influence of formation material properties on the response of water levels in wells to Earth tides and atmospheric loading, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 94, 12403-12411. jgr1989.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., 1988, Intermediate period response of water wells to crustal strain: sensitivity and noise level, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 93, 13619-13634. jgr1988.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., 1988, Determination of fluid flow properties from the response of water levels in wells to atmospheric loading, Water Resources Research, v. 24, 1927-1938. wrr1988.pdf
Hsieh, P.A., Bredehoeft, J.D., and Rojstaczer, S., 1988, Response of well-aquifer systems to earth tides–problem revisited, Water Resources Research, v. 26, 468-472. wrr1988a.pdf
Rojstaczer, S., 1987, The local effects of groundwater pumpage within a fault-influenced groundwater basin, Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, U.S.A., Journal of Hydrology, v. 91, 319-337. jhyd1987.pdf
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