I forgot about this little video I did a few months ago, but found it on my old phone when I was transferring data to my new one.
I note that I share more than a little bit with Bob. Midwestern. Jewish. Write songs. Write novels. Write memoirs. Neither of us deserve the Nobel Prize.
This video is not searchable publicly on YouTube, is available only here. Exclusive. Lucky you! Note that my harmonica holder falls apart 20 seconds into this thing (also I was recovering from eye surgery, hence the squinting), but I’m a trouper. The show must go on!
I’m available as a Dylan imitator for a fee. Weddings, bnai mitzvot, brises, funerals, wakes, shivas, you name it. Run, do not not walk, to your email app and contact me for a Dylan imitator performance stat! The rumor that I’m also an Elvis imitator is, sad to say, fake news.
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